Friday, November 30, 2012

Good Lines!

Hey guys!

So Annabel told the animators in order to get a good start on our shots we need to start planning and get started asap. So in light of that she said we could use any sort of dialogue that could be related to our project. Even better if we can get a good recording from a film. So I was looking a I feel I found a really good line to work with by the same actor who did Richard Harrow.

The line is "I put a inch below his eye"

I though it worked nice with the scene I picked so I want to go ahead and do it. Let me know what you guys think. Annabel also said it does not have to be something in the script for the boards.  But I might be a good line to put in the the shot

Something along the lines of "He cheated the cards....I put a bullet, one inch below his eye"

What do you all think?

Hell Train

I know I post these up pretty late, so I'm sorry!
They looked a little too alien-ish but I like the idea of people will only see the front part of the train and the rest are covered with fire. 
The other idea is, instead of souls were caged inside the train, they were chained and dragged by the train.

Beat Boards

Hey gang!
Yung Han suggested I do beat boards for new projects.  Here are my beat boards.
Bring on the crits!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

       Ok guys, I narrow down the station design from my previous thumbnails.  The feedback from Christ and our meeting, seems like we want to go for more "tower/two stories-look" than just a house-look.
     I try to marry the design with "classic haunted house" element. 
      The first two are very similar. No.3 is more "train station-look"  with a tower in the center and extended roof.  No.2 and 3 are more caricatured. 
      Silhouette on the left are the front view of each design. 
They will covered with snow after we pick the design. 
Sorry I'm still working on the train.  Not sure if I can post them by tonight. 
Tell me what you guys think?

Update: Sorry my first post was too small, so I post them individually.

Im disguised as Hillary Bwahaha!

Internet's not working so I'm posting as Hillary. Anyway, here's my stuff for this week.


Hey guys! Sorry, I meant to post this yesterday, but here is a list of suggested props.

Pocket watch
Ticket machine

Playing cards

Train Stationy Things
Flower cart
Steamer trunks
- Directional (ex. heading towards San Jose etc)
- Exit Sign
- Signs for the stationmasters office
- Ticketbooth sign
Newspaper/Novelty stand

And anything else we think of :D!

Did some Train and Charlie Ideations

Hey everyone! I did some Train and Charlie thumbs (mainly face) let me know what you think. Also they are in the Dropbox under Chris Larsen in the group work folder.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

not the beees!!!!

 Here's some color comps based off of the earlier silhouettes.  I was looking at Searle for the line style/ shapes and Schoonover for color.  also there's a line drawing that I'm hoping to paint up as a style test for Friday.

New Script

Your thoughts please :)

5pm, train station, outside, snowing
A large train passes the station (windswept papers tumble in its wake).  The stationmaster walks over to a ragged looking man at the station.  The stationmaster rolls his eyes.  The ragged man (Charlie) is standing by the tracks, shivering and frightened.
“Alright Charlie, it’s cold out.  Don’t you want to go home?  It’s been a long day”
The stationmaster puts his hand on Charlie’s shoulder.   Shivering, Charlie shakes his head no.  His eyes are wide with fear
“It’s comin’ to get me…”
The stationmaster looks slightly impatient with Charlie. 
“Now Charlie, you know it’s not coming.  Didn’t come yesterday, or the week before that, or the-“
Charlie interrupts, grabbing the stationmaster’s coat.
“Don’t ya understand?  It’s comin’ fer me...”
The stationmaster is startled by this sudden outburst.  He looks at the old man in disbelief.  Charlie walks towards the tracks, now solemn.  He takes his hat off.
“It’s because of Clem..he shouldn’t a cheated at cards. that’s why I done it…and now...”
Charlie trails off, and clutches his hat.  Concerned, the stationmaster walks up the Charlie and puts his hand on his shoulder.
“C’mon Charles, I think you’re a little tired”
The old man hugs himself and shivers.
“There’s no point runnin’ anymore.  It’s found me this time.”
The stationmaster looks concerned, then confused.  Sizzle sounds are coming from the tracks.  He looks down to the tracks.  The snow falling on the tracks evaporates after hitting the metal.  The tracks start to shake.  The sounds of an approaching train issue from the left tunnel.  The Stationmaster looks back to the tracks, which have turned red-hot.  Large plumes of red steam issue from the tunnel.  Train sounds get louder.  A large blazing hell train blasts out of the tunnel.  It’s covered in fire and smoke.  The souls of the tormented can be seen on the train’s body and in the windows.  The stationmaster falls to the ground in fear, covers his face, and waits for the train to pass.  The train sounds grow faint, and the snow begins to fall again.  The stationmaster looks up.  Charlie is gone.  The Stationmaster looks down at the tracks, and sees Charlie’s hat, with a couple dollars floating in the breeze.  The stationmaster picks up Charlie’s hat, and pulls two playing cards out of the brim.  He looks at them, dumbstruck, and then back at the train tunnel.

Also, found some clips.  check 'em out!

Field Trip Revised!

Okay, instead of driving all the way up to Sacramento, who's up for a quick trip to the train museum in Santa Clara? It's kind of small but looks like it's worth the ride. It's also free! But it's only open to the public two days a week, so the best day would probably be this Saturday, open from 10 am to 3 pm.

So...anyone want to go?

Train Station thumbnails/Studies

First pass thumbnails, more like studies tho.  I don't know how much stylize you guys want to do and these drawings based on Schoonover style.  That's why they are little realistic. 
Hey guys! These are just some early explorations with style (some of them are from before we narrowed it down). I will be taking a step back to work on overall shape design more for tomorrow. 
I tried to base them off of these palettes (Schoonover and Kley). 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

FX Progress

Here are some FX Tests. I did play with some shapes, but mostly I was just playing around to get the system/technique down first.

1.) There are two tests I did with the Fire Girl. The first test is where I simply emitted fire fromt he model and turned the model visibility off. Not only does the fire emit from the outside, but also the geometry surface that faces inward so that is why you also see some fire within  the girl. I am going to try to see if I can only have it emit outwards. The second test is where I comped fire layers over the girl (I shaded the body, eyes, and put glow on the model itself) to see how it looked. I am pretty sure in the end the Fire Ghost will be done in layers in compositing.

2.) The steam I was mainly trying to get a good system and tried to play with the shapes, but it still looks more on the real side. I will probably get the smoke test and modify it into steam.

3.) The smoke was similar to the steam, but I was able to play with the shaping more.

*To view the videos better, press the "Youtube" buttons in the bottom right corners in each video

Vis Dev-examples

Hey all! Here are some hand-picked examples from our beloved Madam Bradfield as to what she'll be looking for in future vis dev work.

Some notes on the artists:
For Searle, pay close attention to his use of contrast between blank/simple spaces vs the busier areas (how it guides the eye) and how he uses just a few lines to suggest/extend form rather than describe every detail.

For Kley, look at how he uses his line work to wrap around forms and build up geometry, and how the lines all follow the perspective planes. Also, look at how his creates his values.

Progress Update

Hey everybody, so far I've got a handful of silhouette comps for the train station; just playing with shapes.  I want to go over them with line art next to try to capture the feel of the artists we choose.  Also I've got a line drawing for a style test that I can post up in a little bit, right now its too scribbly to understand.


Veronica-train concept

This is what I have so far. Sorry I didn't do more work. I spent most of my time since Sunday gathering reference. I'll have more posted later tonight!

Voice refrence

Hey everyone! So I've been trying to find a good example of the voice I'm looking for in our character that gets sweep away by the hell train. I was thinking of a deep voice, raspy, the type of voice of were you can hear the man has had many life experience and chooses his words wisely. Someone who has seen the hardships of life and finally realizes his is coming to and end.

I found a great actor to use as an example of the type of voice that I was looking for. His name is Jack Huston, he plays Richard Harrow from boardwalk empire and that's the character I was looking for. If you guys disagree by all means tell me and we can find something else. Let me know what you all think! Also here is a video of him in boardwalk empire (guy with the glasses and mask). I wanted to use this type of voice in the animation for 13a


asami- props

station master's whistle


gas street lights

ticket booth 1

ticket booth 2

ticket booth 3

prop list:
street lights
stationmaster's whistle
stationmaster's hat
hobo's hat
food stands?
trash cans
ticket booth

Monday, November 26, 2012

Reference and Prop list

Hey guys,
Sorry for missing the meeting on Sunday I was at work.  Thanks for the email update, I have been looking up references based on the story.  I added an "asamiRefs" folder under Subject Reference in the dropbox with some old photos of 1910 railway stations from the east coast and the UK.  I've also been thinking about what props I would be working on, if you guys have any suggestions on what I should focus on or what is most important, let me know.  Here is a list I have so far:

street lights
stationmaster's whistle
stationmaster's hat
hobo's hat
food stands?
trash cans
ticket booth

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Searle Reference

I created a folder on dropbox under my name in the Subject Reference folder. I scanned a bunch of pics from a book that Searle illustrated. It's Paris, but the drawings are nice examples of how he drew environments. I have three other books that I found at the library that are compilations of his work, so if anyone wants to look at them just let me know.

I also have Kley's books of drawings and a pretty decent Schoonover book.



Hey all,

Hilary propsed a trip to the train museum in Sacramento, which I think would be a lot of fun and also give us a chance to get some awesome reference.

It's open daily from 10am to 5pm. Admission is $10 per person (cash or card), plus whatever you can chip in for gas and parking and also whatever you might need for food. All around, it shouldn't cost more than $25 for the whole day.

We were thinking next Sunday would be the best time for everyone to go.
Does that work for everyone?

Also, we need at least two drivers, so if you have a vehicle and are willing to provide transportation please let us know so we can arrange carpools as soon as possible.


Train Video Reference

Here are some notable reference videos I found that should be very useful.

Script+boards Pass 1