Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Train revision

I combined the front of #2 and the back of #3 from previous drawings. 
I redesign the body part (the central part) of the train to have more curv and make it a little more interesting than just simple straigth line.  (Most Kley's drawings are very organic) 

And I think it would be nice to show some tranformation or at least show how the train looks like before it will be covered with fire.  So the modeler can understand more. 

So the idea is the fire emerges/ erupts out from the inside and melt down the train and reveal the soul that were trapped in the train.
I'll try to do some color and upload them later.
Tell me what you guys think.


  1. cool stuff joe! id bump up the brightness/contrast in photoshop so that we get some areas of pure black.

  2. OK I did! Should be more contrast now. Thanks Cory!
